The question is: "What Diane Lane revealed about plastic surgery?"
"Some days I want to get the boob job, some days I want to get the eye lift," Lane was quoted as saying. "Then other days I'm like: "Absolutely not! Have some integrity! But it's all about what makes you happy."
In the past, Diane has claimed: "It scares the out of me. And I don't relish the thought of people staring at me, trying to figure out what I've had done," adding: "I reserve the right to change my mind. Absolutely. I'm a female, that comes first."
Diane Lane also stated: "Oh, I'm just too chicken to experiment with my face and have it go wrong. I'm not saying I never will. But it's like, what scares you more? Getting old or looking weird?"
According to some plastic surgeon experts, Lane likely had some work done on her nose and eyes but nothing too major that prevents or alters facial expressions.
On the other hand, there are other plastic surgeons who insist that Lane hasn't undergone any plastic surgery procedure...
Celebrity plastic surgeon expert Dr. Anthony Youn wrote on his blog: "Overall she looks to be aging very gracefully to me."
The truth is that Diane Lane's facelift still moves. She still has crow's feet around her eyes. In addition, her neck is beginning to show signs of sagging skin, which is a normal sign of the aging process for a woman at her age. It is obvious though that Lane is not absolutely satisfied about her appearance...
Diane Lane is another Hollywood celebrity who does not abuse plastic surgery. I definitely believe she has had some work done (nose and eye work) but nothing too major that prevents or alters facial expressions.
Diane Lane For or Against Plastic Surgery?
Diane Lane has often been called the modern day Grace Kelly. An actress who is not only beautiful but who carries herself with class. Diane is also married to well known actor Josh Brolin. It’s hard to believe but Diane is approaching 50 soon. She has been very vocal when it comes to growing old gracefully and not getting plastic surgery. Diane does look great, but one must wonder if she will fall to the pressures of Hollywood and eventually get some work done. Who knows, she may have already had some subtle procedures.
Here are some quotes from Diane Lane on plastic surgery.
“Oh, I’m just too chicken to experiment with my face and have it go wrong,’ she says. ‘I’m not saying I never will. But it’s like, what scares you more? Getting old or looking weird?”
“It scares the out of me. And I don’t relish the thought of people staring at me, trying to figure out what I’ve had done.”
Diane on getting a breast augmentation.
“Some days I want to get the boob job, some days I want to get the eye lift,” she confessed. “Then other days I’m like, ‘Absolutely not! Have some integrity! … But it’s all about what makes you happy.”
Diane Lane had plastic surgery to improve her self image. The before & after pictures show that she had breast implants. Overall, was Diane Lane's cosmetic surgery procedure a good or bad idea?
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» Diane Lane Plastic Surgery Before and After Breast Implants, Boob Job and Facelift
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