Lana Del Rey Plastic Surgery Before and After Lips Augmentation

Judging by the before and after photos which circulate widely on the web, you can't help but notice that Del Rey appears a totally different person compared to what she looked like.
When Lana was asked by reporters about her plastic surgery procedures, she denied having any work done.

To be more exact, firing back claims about plastic surgery, Del Rey told Complex: "I haven't had anything done at all. Anyone who's known me will tell you that. I'm sorry, but I was living in a trailer park for a few years. I didn't even have enough money to buy Cocoa Puffs. It's not like I crawled from under the bridge and got surgery. I'm quite pouty. That's just how I look when I sing."
As for her lips being fake, Lana confessed to T magazine: "They're real lips, I mean. In real life my lips don't look that big. I think because I cartoonized the footage of myself in the video for "Video Games" things look exaggerated."

Celebrity watchers and gossip websites estimate, based on the comparison of before and after pictures, that Del Rey has undeniably had work done on her lips, insisting her new pout could be a result of lip implants.

The question is: "What plastic surgeons reveal about Lana Del Rey's plastic surgery?"
Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer was quoted as saying: "It does appear that Lana Del Rey has enhanced her pout with some type of dermal fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm.  They are a bit overfilled and disproportionate to her other facial features."

NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Sterry revealed to "In Touch Weekly" : "It looks like she had an entire syringe of Juvederm put in the upper lip."
On the other hand, celebrity plastic surgeon in New York City Dr. David Shafer doesn't seem to agree with the previous statements... "Some people just have large lips. It's hard to see a difference from the historical photos, so likely not injections", Dr. David Shafer told.

Of course, there are people like Dr. David Shafer who think  Lana is 100% natural, claiming that Lana's  naturally full lips are accentuated or downplayed with lipstick and gloss according to her mood.

The truth is that lip augmentation is very popular among young women looking for a sensual pout while others are born with large lips.

To conclude, the majority of plastic surgeons speculate that in spite of a lip augmentation, Lana might also have gotten some injectables to her face and a nose job as well...

Lana Del Rey’s Hipster Problem: Plastic Surgery, ‘SNL,’ and Her Past as Lizzy Grant

Del Rey’s album will be released Tuesday after hate has been heaped upon her for her Saturday Night Live performance and hazy past. But has she already won? Tricia Romano reports.
Type the words “Lana Del Rey” into Google, and you will find more than 40 million results. MTV News, Billboard, and Reuters all currently have stories running about her. This weekend, The New York Times ran music critic Jon Caramanica’s 1,200-word article deconstructing her persona, demolishing her mythology, and, oh yes, discussing her record. (He didn’t much care for it.) Caramanica wrote: “This is album as anticlimax, the period that ends the essay, not the beginning of a new paragraph.”.

All this for a singer-songwriter whose first major-label record album, Born to Die (Interscope), is only now coming out (on Tuesday), and who, until three months ago, was a little-known artist with a few intriguing self-made videos floating around on YouTube. But in the span of three months she’s fallen from lauded Internet sensation into a Grand Canyon–size snakepit of haterade, which climaxed when she appeared on Saturday Night Live two weeks ago, an appearance derided as being a massive catastrophe. The performance during which she warbled unsteadily through her two singles, “Video Games” and “Blue Jeans,” while she swished awkwardly in a long ball gown compelled even Brian Williams to write a personal email to Gawker’s Nick Denton saying she’d “had one of the worst outings in SNL history last night.”


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